The Start – Prologue –

Past Twins, Ezra and Eilina Royale were always a mischievous pair. Partners in Crime, they would wreak havoc in whichever town they lived in with their gypsy parents. However, when they were close to five, their alchemist parents decided to settle in Midnight Hollow and rented a small house so that they could give their kids a relatively normal childhood, because after all nothing is ever normal in a town full of supernatural creatures. The twins grew up to be very close. They did not have many friends because they preferred to interact with each other.  Despite this though the two were different from each other in a number of ways. For starters Ezra was the older twin by 5 minutes and also the one who looked after his little sister. Even at a young age he would do anything to make Eilina happy. Eilina loved Ezra dearly too of course but, being the younger of the two and slightly more pampered she was a bit more selfish. She always coveted that which she did not have but others did, no matter how small or how large it was. Eilina was also a bit more of a free spirit. Always roaming around barefoot, running after dogs and hoping to find a fairy. She was quite unlucky in that regard though because she never managed to find a fairy despite the fact that she often spotted some. Ezra was a complete opposite in that way. He was always lucky enough to find what he would look for. Usually for him that was something that required him running around and getting some exercise. He became so good at athletics that he was chosen to be in many sports teams for the little school on the outskirts of Midnight Hollow that he went to with his twin. They weren’t allowed to attend the school that was actually in Midnight Hollow as the government considered all gypsy’s as illegal immigrants regardless of anything they did. For this reason they were often also pestered by the people living there, most of which were some supernatural creatures. However, the twins’ parents did not let them know of they troubles they faced, of which the greatest trouble was that the supernaturals of Midnight Hollow refused to buy anything from them. They did not want their kids to have a tough childhood. They would rather that they were ignorant but having fun as they were often found to be having. Past3past2SiblingfunSiblingfun2

They continued to live this way until the twins nineteenth birthday. By that time the two had developed greater differing interests. While Ezra loved to create things with any material he could get his hands on Eilina liked anything to do with technology and computers. Despite this the two always had time for each other. They preferred to hang out with each other rather than with others their age. For that reason neither had ever been in a relationship. Eilina was completely fine with that but sometimes Ezra would wistfully think of having a girlfriend. But every time he even slightly crushed on a girl and decided to speak to her his sister would find something wrong with them and say that they did not deserve him. That often led to some arguments between the two but at the end of the day Ezra always ended up agreeing with Eilina because she was his baby sister, albeit by 5 minutes.

On the day of their nineteenth birthday they were so excited because their parents had promised to take them out somewhere special to celebrate but as they entered the house it was strangely silent. They assumed their parents were napping because they were planning to stay up late but as they entered their parents room the sight that greeted them was devastating. Their parents were murdered that night. They didn’t know how or why or by whom but they knew that now each other was all they had. They cried till midnight and tried to comfort each other but things like this only heal with time and sometimes not even then.

TearsLoss  Loss2tearsandcomfort   blur



So this was my first chapter. Hope you liked it:)

I have decided that i will not post the rolls and the traits right away but rather let people try and guess them. I have included 4 of the 5 traits for the twins in this chapter, lets see if someone can guess them:)) I will tell someone them when someone correctly guesses or when it is necessary, whichever comes first:P

Take care everyone and please share this with people you know. Comment your thoughts as well.

Other than that wait for Chapter 1:)

Random Legacy Challenge

Hey you may know me as Simblr96 on here or on Tumblr. I will be beginning my randomcy here although i might post some stuff on tumblr as well. I decided not to post on my main blog but to make a separate blog for it-.-

Lets hope I don’t end up abandoning posting for this.

I will post Details regarding the randomcy soon but till then if you want to know what this Random Legacy Challenge is about then check the following pages out.